5 Of The Best Exercises For A Beginner

A home workout is an exercise that can be done with minimal equipment for a limited amount of time. It's an easy, effective way to get a quick workout and some exercise.

For example, try doing 10 jumping jack intervals for one minute each with about 90 seconds of rest between them (a total of 4 rounds). Use your arms to jump up and down, alternating from the left arm to the right.

What are bodyweight exercises?

Bodyweight exercises use the resistance of your body weight, such as push-ups and pull-ups. Using the body's resistance is a great way to get a good workout.

Here's an example of a quick bodyweight exercise you can do:

  • 5 Jumping squats

    • Squat down with your hands behind your ankles

    • Jump up while also pumping your arms

  • 10 push-ups

  • 10 jumping jacks

  • 10 squat jumps (squat down and jump up high).

5 Full-Body Exercises for a Beginner Workout at Home

I will show you a simple yet effective full-body workout you can do at home. You don't need a lot of equipment to get started, and you don't need a gym membership to get in shape.


As I mentioned before, this home workout uses bodyweight exercises. Bodyweight exercises are those that use your own body weight to lift you up. One example would be push-ups. Another is squats.

Combining bodyweight exercises with other exercises is a good idea since it gives the muscles in your entire body a workout and will result in a better fitness level than if you only worked out one part of your body.

Let's now go straight to the five full-body exercises for a beginner workout at home.

Exercise One: Squats

This is one of the best bodyweight exercises out there. It works your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves all in one move. You'll need a chair or a couch to do these on.

Step 1: The first part of this exercise is to get your feet shoulder-width apart and turn your toes out slightly. 

Step 2: Next, you will sit back on the chair with your hands behind you for support and squat down until your thighs are parallel with the floor (this is a 90-degree angle). You should feel a nice burn in your legs. 

Step 3: Stand back up and repeat the exercise from step 2 above. Do this 20 times for 2 sets.

Exercise Two: Push-Ups

Push-ups work basically every muscle in your upper body and strengthen your core muscles. They are one of the best bodyweight exercises out there, so make sure you do them often.

Step 1: Start by placing your hand shoulder-width apart on the floor and, with your feet shoulder-width apart, lower yourself until your chest lightly touches the floor. Keep your shoulders pressed to the ground and your neck in line with your spine. 

Step 2: Get back up to the starting position (the back of your hands should be touching the ground). Repeat this exercise 10 times for 2 sets.

Exercise Two: Vertical Pulls

These will work the muscles in your back, chest, and biceps.

Step 1: To do this exercise, you need a bar to hold your weight. It could be a tree branch (be careful!), a set of stairs (be very careful), or something similar. If you don't have anything to hold on to, you can use your body weight as resistance, like in exercises one and two above.

Exercise Four: Standing Calf Raises

These are great to do any time in the day if you have 20 minutes.

Step 1: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lift your heels up off the floor. This is a feeling of tension in the calves, so squeeze your knees together tightly for resistance. Repeat this for about 20 seconds for 2 sets.

Step 2: Lower your heels back down to the starting position and repeat step 1 above.

Exercise Five: Abdominal Crunches

This is one of the most important core exercises you can do to build a strong, fit stomach. This exercise will also strengthen your abs and improve your posture. Sitting up straight is more important than most people think.

Step 1: Lie down on the floor with your legs extended and feet flat on the ground. 

Step 2: Next, lift up towards your chest. You can start with your lower back on the ground, or you can lift, as long as your abs are touching your bottom while doing this. Do not use your arms to pull yourself up. 

Step 3: Rest your head on a pillow if you prefer. Repeat this 10 times for 2 sets.

Final Summary

These are five full-body exercises for a beginner at-home workout you can do daily. You don't need to buy equipment or join a gym to get started; you get a great workout in your home. There are many other great bodyweight exercises, so keep those in mind if you want to become more fit.


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